2014-2016 Legislative Updates
September 16, 2016- Op-Ed piece released from the Private Care Association Death of an Industry.
OCTOBER 3, 2015- Motion for Stay Filed with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Littler Law Group http://conta.cc/1OdUvsn
AUGUST 17, 2015 - Memorandum from Hollrah LLC discussing two important legislative developments that should be of interest to PCA members. The first concerns a bill recently introduced in the U.S. Congress that would affect firms that do business with independent contractors, and the other discusses recently enacted state legislation affecting independent-contractor status. Read the Memorandum here.
MAY 12, 2014 - Finding a Private Caregiver for Your Loved One:
Consider Your Three Options Carefully Learn More
JANUARY 2, 2014 - Understand the 10 warning signs that an elderly loved one may need private, in-home care. Read the press release here.