About the PCA
Mission Statement
Since 1977, the PCA's mission has been to support the consumer - directed model of care, which emphasizes the consumer's choice and the rights of caregivers who serve those consumers.
Code of Ethics
At the PCA, every PCA member company subscribes to a simple and straightforward commitment to the Association, the member's clients and the industry at large. We expect members to abide by this Code of Ethics and we expect all members' business dealings, and the provision of care delivered under the auspices of our members' companies, to be closely aligned with them.
Our Board of Directors

President, Lori Dahan

President Elect, Jill Ball

Treasurer, Annabel Nicol

Secretary, Courtney Miller

Parliamentarian, Ashley Eder

President Elect, Lisa Kaufman

Director - Post 2, Mindy Kursban

Director - Post 3, Julie Black

Past President, Marc Spector

FL President, Marries Gomez
You can provide a family with information, advice, counsel, consumer tips and a list of qualified caregivers who fit their criteria, but only that family can make the decisions. Essentially, the PCA's member registries help clients and caregivers find one another so they can decide on who is best matched to whom.