You have successfully completed the free Self-assessment to see how your operation measures up. Check your email for a copy of your answers and score. Compare your responses to the preferred responses detailed below.
Registry Best Practices for the “Self-assessment to see how your operation measures up”
1. Does your Registry’s website say, "We Provide Home Care Services”?
Registry to represent itself to the public e.g., through its website, as offering caregiver referral services and not home care services.
2. Who sets the caregiver pay rates?
ANSWER: Caregiver and/ or Client
Rate of pay is only to be set by the Caregiver and may be negotiated between Caregiver and Client, but not set by the registry.
3. Does a Caregiver determine which client opportunities they accept?
Registry’s agreements with Caregivers allows them to accept or decline offered Client opportunities.
4. Does your Registry require a Caregiver to accept a minimum number of Client opportunities?
Registry does not require Caregiver to accept minimum number of Client opportunities.
5. Does your Registry provide a Caregiver with any tools, equipment or supplies?
Registry should not provide a Caregiver with any tools, equipment or supplies.
6. Can your Registry unilaterally terminate a Caregiver’s relationship with a Client?
Registry may not unilaterally terminate a Caregiver’s relationship with a Client.
7. Does your Registry have any policies and procedures that pertain to the home care services that Caregivers preform?
Registry does not have any policies and procedures that pertain to the home care services that Caregivers perform.
8. Does your Registry reimburse a Caregiver for any costs or expenses incurred in providing Client care?
Registry does not reimburse a Caregiver for any costs or expenses incurred in providing Client care.
9. Does your Registry unilaterally move a Caregiver from one Client to a different Client?
Registry does not unilaterally move a Caregiver from one Client to a different Client.
10. Does your Registry determine or modify any terms or conditions of a Client’s home care relationship with a referred Caregiver?
Registry should not determine or modify any terms or conditions of a Client’s home care relationship with a referred Caregiver.
Question Development & Recommendations:
These questions were developed from the Registry specific guidance released by the U.S. Department of Labor's Field Assistance Bulletin No. 2018-4.
"This Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) provides guidance to Wage and Hour Division (WHD) field staff to help them determine whether home care, nurse, or caregiver registries (registries) are employers under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). A registry is an entity that typically matches people who need caregiving services with caregivers who provide the services, usually nurses, home health aides, personal care attendants, or home care workers with other titles (collectively, caregivers)."
The Private Care Association (PCA) was extremely instrumental in the development and release of this guidance and continues to further professionalize the business model through education of best practices for our members, advocacy on the Federal & State Chapter levels, and accreditation through our Caregiver Registry Standards Board.
As our testament to professionalizing the industry, here is a link to our Memorandum to PCA Members regarding the FAB 2018-4 key factors and what it means for registries. PCA suggests reviewing the basic best practices and consider implementing them into your operation.
As a PCA Member you would gain immediate access to educational webinars highlighting each of the individual key factors from the FAB 2018-4 in addition to critical Registry Best Practices, all brought to you from the owner/ operator, real-world viewpoint! Become a member and gain instant access to this vital operational information and more.
Don't let the U.S. Department of Labor find itself at your doorstep and you uninformed!
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