COVID-19: Response & Resources

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the importance of consumers having access to care at home and providing them with options to access that care. Since 1977, the PCA's mission has been to support the consumer - directed model of care, which emphasizes the consumer's choice and the rights of caregivers who serve those consumers.

What is the consumer-directed model of care?

The consumer-directed model of care is based on the idea of consumer choice in home care options and gives consumers the right to make decisions and direct the care needed. The principal advantages of consumer-directed care are that it costs less to the consumer, the caregivers typically earn more, it allows consumers to individually select caregivers, it provides greater continuity in caregiver relationships, and it supports caregiver entrepreneurship. 

The following information is intended as insight and resources to home care registries and those they service throughout the community to assist in combating the coronavirus and keeping our most vulnerable population safe!

***Check back daily as more information will continuously added***

Are you a home care registry and ready to join PCA’s mission to preserve the original model of private duty home care, promote the interests of self-employed caregivers and families who choose the consumer-directed model of care? 
